Glaucopid Ring Athena
Greek mythology ring, 18 kt yellow gold 7.65 g carnelian engraved stone 20 x 15 mm from the early 1900s. The stone is engraved with the owl, an animal sacred to the Goddess Athena and the letters AOE, the etymology referring to both the goddess and the city abbreviated to AOE (alpha, theta and epsilon) indicates both “of Athena”, and as of the Athenians or of Athens – The cult of the goddess Athena in the Aegean area probably dates back to prehistoric times, the goddess Athena always has her owl with her, she wears a goatskin armor called Aegis given to her by her father Zeus. Price on request – Sometimes we publish jewels on the site that are only available to order; often photos and details of the jewels you see are published as a historical reference of our 50 years and more of activity for your future orders. We almost always do not publish prices due to the constantly changing costs of precious metals and stones; you can ask us if the jewel you saw is available, we will reply shortly also for a quote. To request information, use the “send a request for this product” button, call 041 5287549 or send an email to – Whatsapp +39 3299 14 35 98
Anello della mitologia greca, oro giallo 18 kt gr 7,65 pietra incisa corniola 20 x 15 mm epoca primo 900. Sulla pietra sono incise la civetta animale sacro alla Dea Atena e le lettere AOE, l’etimo riferibile sia alla dea sia alla città abbreviato in AOE (alfa, theta ed epsilon) indica sia “di Atena”, sia come degli ateniesi o di Atene – Il culto della dea Atena nell’area Egea risale probabilmente ad epoche preistoriche la dea Atena ha sempre con sé la sua civetta, indossa una corazza di pelle di capra chiamata Egida donatale dal padre Zeus. Prezzo su richiesta – A volte pubblichiamo nel sito gioielli disponibili solo su ordinazione; spesso foto e scheda dei gioielli che vedete sono pubblicati come riferimento storico dei nostri 50 anni e oltre di attività per future vostre ordinazioni. Quasi sempre non pubblichiamo i prezzi a causa del continuo variare dei costi dei metalli preziosi e delle pietre; potete richiederci se il gioiello che avete visto è disponibile vi risponderemo in breve tempo anche per un preventivo. Per richiedere informazioni usare il tasto “invia una richiesta per questo prodotto” telefonare allo 041 5287549 oppure inviare una e mail a – Whatsapp +39 3299 14 35 98
Dear customer, this jewel may not be available immediately, but it is reproducible and customizable
Greek mythology ring, 18 kt yellow gold 7.65 g carnelian engraved stone 20 x 15 mm from the early 1900s. The stone is engraved with the owl, an animal sacred to the Goddess Athena and the letters AOE, the etymology referring to both the goddess and the city abbreviated to AOE (alpha, theta and epsilon) indicates both “of Athena”, and as of the Athenians or of Athens – The cult of the goddess Athena in the Aegean area probably dates back to prehistoric times, the goddess Athena always has her owl with her, she wears a goatskin armor called Aegis given to her by her father Zeus. Price on request – Sometimes we publish jewels on the site that are only available to order; often photos and details of the jewels you see are published as a historical reference of our 50 years and more of activity for your future orders. We almost always do not publish prices due to the constantly changing costs of precious metals and stones; you can ask us if the jewel you saw is available, we will reply shortly also for a quote. To request information, use the “send a request for this product” button, call 041 5287549 or send an email to – Whatsapp +39 3299 14 35 98